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From Evangelistic Events to Church Services Camps, Conferences, and Revivals -


We are here to make your next event a breeze!! From providing Speakers for your event, to a total catered event with music, testimonials, games, etc...  We can do it all!!  

Our Ministry model and driving force :
To reach the 28 Million Students

that need to experience Jesus!


We are available for any event. 

- Sunday morning

- Sunday Night

- Youth Service

- Conference, revival, Special Services

- Speak in Middle schools and high schools encouraging students to make the right choices in life including staying away from alcohol and drugs...

- Focusing on working with local churches to host a community wide youth rally

- Sunday Mornings / Nights - Speak in a local church sharing the Gospel 

     Bring us your ideas and allow us to come and worship with you and your congregation!!

1 day events available:

 - We can come along side to assist you with your event. From music to skits, to presenting the Gospel in a clear, concise presentation. 


Mens events, youth events, school events, give us your ideas. 

Multi-Day events available:

 - We are prepared to share a series of messages at your revival, youth revival, or prayer event. 

Multi day events available:


 - Friday ( Assembly in Local School with or w/o Truck)


- Friday Afternoon - 1st training Session in your Church


-  Sat. Morning - 2nd Training Session in your church


-  Sat. After Lunch - 3rd Session


-  Sat Night - Evangelistic Rally/Event 


 - Sunday Morning - Lead worship at the host church

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